Hello Home, Elin Skoglund

At Elin Skoglund's home in Vasastan in Stockholm, we are met by an apartment full of personality. Even though the morning is early and the crispness of autumn is clearly felt in the air, we are quickly warmed up when Elin opens to a homely apartment where the coffee is brewed.
Elin and her partner have done a complete renovation of the apartment, with color and choice of materials that make us feel that we could just as easily have been in an apartment in Paris. The floor is beautiful a Chevron pattern and the ceilings are painted in a deep blue-green shade, with the kitchen's prominent marble island as a diamond in the middle of the apartment.

Elin works as a blogger and influencer, but also runs Elin Skoglund Interior where she helps private customers with everything from interior design to renovations, and we understand why! To connect the interior of the three areas into a large, social area, Elin has consistently chosen Gotain's woven linen curtains in off-white in both the kitchen, dining area and living room. Because of the fantastic decorations in the ceiling, the curtains hang on a wall-mounted rail, with extra long brackets to hang freely off the deep window sills in turn-of-the-century style.

Elin has experimented with widths and heights to find a curtain solution that is compatible to her particular conditions, and we think the end result is absolutely fantastic! In the dining area, a total of four single width curtains hang in off-white woven linen, to embrace the windows without draping too much on the wall. Although this is currently the favorite look, she has chosen to place the wall-mounted curtain rail from wall to wall, to have the opportunity to be flexible in the curtain distribution, and the curtains can thus be moved along the entire width of the wall.

In the harmonious bedroom, curtains have been planned already during the renovation, which has made it possible to hide the curtain rails behind the stucco in the ceiling. For the pro, this is a concept called a cornice, and means that the stucco at the window has been deliberately placed further out in the room, to create a gap where two ceiling-mounted curtain rails are placed parallell to each other. Here hang two layers to get the feeling of a real hotel look, with a sheer and a blackout layer. Closest to the window we find Gotain's thin linen curtains in Sand, and out towards the room Gotain's darkening velvet curtain in the color beige set the tone. The curtains complement each other, and make it easy to switch between a darkening effect and only having a sheer layer for privacy.